Testing protocol
After protocol is done onlinesim developers will test it. When you are ready, send your URL to tech support. After this your server should be available 24/7. We will start testing as soon as possible. Tests that we will make:
- Simultaneous issue of numbers for the specified service. The most important test. Your system should correctly handle simultaneous requests and do not issue the number again in any case. For example, system will send 30 requests with the same criteria: russia, megafon, vk. If you issued the number again - test is failed.
- Correct handle of activation completing request. Activation management is done ONLY at the side of onlinesim. For reasons beyond our control (network problems) we may not be able to receive the response about successful status changing from you. That's why if onlinesim sends activation completing status again, you should check by if such activation exists at your side and if it does - send status SUCCESS. Also you should NOT complete activation at your side. Only activation completing request from onlinesim should complete activation at your side.
- SMS text. After SMS is written into your database, you should send it to us as soon as possible. You got SMS - send it to us immediately. If you get the response with SUCCESS status, you should mark SMS in your database as received and do not send again. If response status is different from SUCCESS, then make 10 seconds delay and repeat the request until you get SUCCESS status. If you send the same SMS after we responded with SUCCESS status - test is failed.
- Fields types. Carefully check types of the fields you are sending via protocol. If it is said in protocol description, that the field has integer type, and you send smsId: «123» - test is failed.
- Phone number should include country code. In phone number request the field number and in SMS received request the field phone should be INTEGER and should have country CODE.
- Time of number issue from you should be minimal. If time is more than 3 seconds - test is failed.
- Numbers quantity, returned by request 1, should be actual. If you return 100 vk, and their actual quantity is 30, then 70 requests will return NO_NUMBERS status - test is failed. Page 11 of 17
- Test for exclusive prefixes. You should handle exceptionPhoneSet field beforehand while requesting GET_NUMBER. If you do not issue the phone number with the prefixes that is included in the list - test is failed