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SendPulse registration with virtual phone number | Onlinesim

  • Apr 1, 2022, 1:53 PM
  • 7 minutes

SendPulse is an integrated messaging platform that provides users with communication via email, SMS, web push, SMTP, and general user management. The SendPulse solution consists of 15,000 free emails to 2,500 subscribers each month.

The SendPulse modules provide adding, retrieving, and searching for contacts and variations on how to list, retrieve, and send emails in the SendPulse user account. The user can build a dialogue with customers through email, SMS, and chatbots in messengers. With SendPulse, it is possible to create a webpage and automate sales in a free CRM.

Features of SendPulse service

The user can always stay in touch with his customers by using the following directions:

  • Email marketing. We are sending newsletters and transactional messages to customers.
  • SMS. Instant notification to your customers about relevant events and offers.
  • Chatbots. Easy setup conversations with your customers via WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, etc.

Add a Contact

This function adds an email address to the mailing list.

  • Set up a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Select to add a Single opt-in or double opt-in.
  • Select the distribution list you want to add the new email address.
  • Add emails and specify the variables that will be added with the email address to the mailing list.
  • Confirm the procedure and specify the sender email for the confirmed accounts.

List Contacts

The user can retrieve each contact from the specified mailing list.

  • Start by establishing a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Select the mailing list.
  • Set the maximum number of contacts per execution cycle.

Search a Contact by Variable

  • Start by establishing a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Select a mailing list, where we search by the specified value.
  • Select or match a variable.
  • Enter a variable.
  • Set the maximum number of contacts to be returned in one execution cycle.

Search a Contact by Email

  • Create a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Choose a mailing list where we search by the given value.
  • Enter an email address that will be the basis for searching the mailing list.
  • Set the maximum number of contacts that will be returned per execution cycle.

Get a Contact

  • Set up a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Enter your email address to receive information.

Unsubscribe a Contact

  • Set up a connection to your SendPulse account.
  • Select the mailing list where you want to delete the email address.
  • Enter the email address you want to remove from the mailing list.


Campaigns list

Here you can get the data about the campaigns in the account.

  • Establish a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Set the maximum number of campaigns that will be returned per execution cycle.

Get a Campaign

Campaign information.

  • Establish a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Enter a card ID or select a campaign you're interested in.

Send an Email

  • Establish a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Name - enter a sender name.
  • Email - enter the email address of the sender.
  • To - you should enter an email address with the recipient's name.
  • Subject - the subject of the email should be specified.
  • Html - enter the HTML version of the email.
  • Text - the text version of the message.

Send an Email from Template

  • Establish a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Select the template to use in the email.
  • Name - enter the sender's name.
  • Email - enter the email address of the sender.
  • To - you should enter the email address with the recipient's name.
  • Subject - the subject of the email should be specified.
  • Variables - enter names with variable values.

Create a Template

  • Establish a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Enter a name for the new template.
  • The template is displayed as Template yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss for unspecified names.
  • Enter the template in HTML format.

List Bounces

  • Establish a connection to the SendPulse account.
  • Enter the day for which you want to get data.
  • Set the maximum number of bounces per execution cycle.


List Website Subscriptions

Gets a list of web mailing list subscribers for a specific website.

  • Set up a connection to your SendPulse account.
  • Enter/select the ID of the site you want to receive the mailing list subscriptions.
  • Set the maximum number of bounces per fulfillment cycle.
  • Select the day from and day to.

Get a Website

  • Set up a connection to your SendPulse account.
  • Enter a card ID or select a campaign you're interested in.

Activate or deactivate a website subscriber

Sets up a subscriber as activated or deactivated.

  • Set up a connection to your SendPulse account.
  • Enter Subscriber ID.
  • Set up a subscriber inactivated/deactivated form.

Create a Push Campaign

  • Set up a connection to your SendPulse account.
  • Enter the name of the push campaign.
  • Enter the site ID to which you are preparing a new push campaign.
  • Enter the content of the push notification.
  • Specify the duration of the push notification in seconds.
  • Specify the web push navigation link.
  • Enter the language code in subscriber filtering.
  • Enter the name of browsers in filtering subscribers by the browser.
  • Specify the country code to filter subscribers by country - for example, Great Britain.
  • Now use the YYYY-MM-DD format to specify the start date of the interval for filtering subscribers by the date they appear in the list.
  • Use the YYYYY-MM-DD format to specify the end date of the interval to filter subscribers by the date they appear in the list.
  • You can add up to 10 filters in 1 campaign.
  • Enter a time interval for the end of the campaign.
  • Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format for scheduling a campaign.
  • You can insert two buttons in a campaign.
  • Enter a name with image data that will appear in the web-push notification.

Make an API Call

  • Set up a connection to your SendPulse account.
  • Now enter the path
  • Choose the HTTP method you want to use (GET, POST,
  • Enter the request header you want.
  • Now enter the query string.
  • Specify the contents of the body of your API call.

SendPulse Review: account registration

To use SendPulse and Integromat, you must create a SendPulse account.

The module dialog fields highlighted in bold are the main conditions.

Connecting SendPulse to Integromat

To connect the SendPulse account to Integromat, you must enable the REST API.

  1. Login to your SendPulse account.
  2. Click on your profile icon and choose Account settings.
  3. Go to the API tab, where you need to enable Activate Rest API. After that, select Save.
  4. Go to Integromat and open the SendPulse module connection dialog.
  5. After that, Integromat will redirect you to the SendPulse website.
  6. Now enter your credentials and click Send Pulse Login to establish the connection properly.

The Advantages of Using OnlineSim Numbers by SendPulse verification

As the name suggests, OnlineSim is a virtual SIM placement. It provides virtual phone directories that can be used for personal and business purposes. If you want to keep your privacy, buy a virtual guide from OnlineSim so no one can track you down.

If you do business with SendPulse, you should carefully take care of your privacy. Under no circumstances should third parties receive transactional, banking, or other data, because otherwise, your business will be in trouble, but you'll also let your customers down. The service we're considering is all about privacy. It will not share your data with anyone. OnlineSim is a trustworthy, reputable company that guarantees your privacy.

Speaking of other account benefits, we must mention that this placement boasts more than 10,000 online SIMs. You will be able to choose from more than 30 locations worldwide. Not many virtual SIM services can boast such a large number of countries.

OnlineSIM catalogs are reliable. You won't have to wait forever for an account checking email to be delivered, as it sometimes happens with other providers. The situation when SMS is not delivered at all is common for almost any service, but with OnlineSim, it is out of the question. You will forget about account registration by email and free email no phone verification.

Another advantage of OnlineSIM numbers is that you can choose between two rates. The first is to receive SMS from a single site. In this case, the directory will be active for 40 minutes for the account. Note that with this option, renewal is not available. The second option is to rent an account number to receive messages from any site.

  1. To start using the OnlineSIM service, register an account on their website.
  2. You may need to provide your email to do this. Top up your balance to be able to buy a virtual USA phone number list.
  3. After that, select your desired location and numbers. Now you are ready to receive messages from the platforms when you verify your account without having to enter your email address there.
  4. All these actions are easy to do in your cabinet.

The best thing about OnlineSIM is that you can try its free virtual number for SMS like free UK virtual number.